Girl vs Pinterest. Bacon'n Brussels Sprouts Edition


A bag of Brussels sprouts (don't ask me how many were in there...)
A package of bacon minus the 3 pieces I ate while cooking
Just under half of a white onion
Good helping of butter

How I did it:
- Dump the bacon all in a large frying pan to cook
- Peel the Brussels sprouts, then wash
-Dice half an onion
-Once the bacon is cooked remove from frying pan
- Keep half of the bacon grease in the frying pan and add a generous amount of butter to melt in with the grease
-Let the diced onions caramelize for a brief minute before adding in the Brussels sprouts
-While those are frying in the wonderful greasy-butter mixture, cut the cooked bacon into 1inch pieces. 
-After the Brussels sprouts have been cooking for about 7-10 minutes they will have softened, then add in the bacon
-Sprinkle on some salt and pepper
-Toss everything together and voilĂ !

Things I did wrong/differently:
I scooped out a few spoonfuls of onions because I felt there were too many...
Most of the recipes I looked at suggested to just half the Brussels sprouts - I pealed them. 

Were they good?
Oh yes! 
The bacon with all that grease and butter make for a wonderful dish!

Would I do it again?

What would I do differently next time?
I don't know, maybe make more...?
