A Week Without My Co-Worker

My co-worker Kristin left last week Friday to spend at week at the orphanage in Mexico that our church supports. 
Kristin works in inside sales and usually the two of us are always in the office. My other co-worker, Will, is in outside sales and he's in the office probably about 1/4 of the week. 
With Kristin gone to Mexico I was left alone in the office, as a full time receptionist and inside sales person. 
And I can tell you, it's been a loooooong week. 
Neither position, reception or inside sales, have been filled to the their full potential and it's been a busy week - even for 2 full time people.  

Anyway, Kristin asked me that I keep her posted on how things go, so I sent her a daily photo of the office life she was missing out on. 

Here's some memories of my week without Kristin:

We have been having issues with the office staff washroom sinks not draining so we ordered some Drano. It came in on Monday and I excitedly filled the sinks with it - but to no avail. 

Kristin also is the only one who uses the salt in the lunchroom. We ran out a while ago and then ordered some more. That came in on Tuesday. 

I had to leave work early on Tuesday and as I typically lock up at the end of the day I made sure to clarify with Will (who was working in the office at that time) and the boss that they'd lock up. 
Well, I pulled into the complex Wednesday morning and was surprised to see the security gate open, and then to find the door unlocked, and all the office lights on. 
I asked my manager if he had opened up, and he said, "No..." 
I asked him if he had closed last night. And he said, "No..." 
Then I asked my co-worker once he came in if he had locked up. Again, the answer was, "No..."
We got a phone call a few hours later from our landlord saying that security noticed our gate was open when they made their rounds that night. 
Thankfully nothing looked out of place and we're kinda in the middle of no-where, but that made for quite the entertaining morning! 

I already mentioned this in my blog post yesterday. But I was very happy when we turned on the air conditioning! 

One of the shops in our complex has a dog. 
We've got no idea what the dog's name is, but it saunters around, visiting all the shops and is fun to watch. 

Kristin'll be back at the office on Monday and I couldn't be happier! 😛


Will and I are looking forward to going to Credo Christian High School's play performance of Beauty and the Beast! 
Kinda bummed that the forecast is calling for rain this weekend as all the sun lately has been such a treat! 

Happy Friday everyone! 
