This is all good news!
So don't start reading and think they died or anything!
Little Detriot and Milo are no longer with us.
They were doing absolutely amazing, eating lots of oats and meal worms, and growing like crazy!
On Sunday we showed a photo of them to our farm friend who said that it looked like they had geese bills rather than duck ones.
We didn't really know any different, and couldn't tell what exactly they were because they hadn't yet got their feathers.
Well, as we were coming home from church we saw a geese family walking close by to where Will found them on Tuesday. They had three goslings with them which looked EXACTLY like the 'ducks' we had!
We quickly drove home, put them in a box and drove back over to where we had seen them. It took a bit to find the family back, but we were able release the babies with this geese family. We're not sure if it's the same family as those goslings were smaller than ours, but we could have just fed them lots too.
It was the perfect ending to the whole situation and we are very glad that they are off in the wild, living the goose life.
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