Mothers Day Weekend

Will and I got up nice and early on Saturday to head to the school to enjoy their annual Mother's Day Fair and Pancake Breakfast.

One of the fair events where human-sized "hamster wheels".  
They were super cool to watch, not exactly the best idea for someone who is claustrophobic, but hey, it was fun! 
Nadia and Madilyn got to give them a go too! 

Benji got a Batman body sticker (to match his batman t-shirt of course) and was very excited to show everyone! 

There was a reptile exhibit with a couple of snakes, a tortoise, turtle, and iguana. You could go into the pen to touch and hold the animals. Will and I hadn't bought any fair tickets so we just observed from outside of the pen. 

After running errands, getting blood work done, selling our Honda (finally!), and stashing our perishable groceries in my parents fridge, we headed out with the fam to Grandma and Grandpa Faber's to say Hi for mother's day. 

Sunday we got to spend with each of our families. 
One for lunch, one for dinner. 

So very thankful for the time we got to enjoy with our moms!!! 😍
