Our House is A Zoo

Yesterday the sun was shining and the birds were chirping. 

I went outside to visit the sheep

And Will set up a little pen in the yard for Detroit and Milo to play outside in.

It was their first time going outside since Will brought them home and they were apprehensive at first, but soon figured out that they could eat the grass and run around. 

And now, Story Time! 
We've been leaving the front door open the past few days since the weather has been so nice. It lets the fresh air in and encourages Willow to go outside. 
Last night I was making dinner and I kept hearing this thudding noise coming from the living room, probably three or four times. It sounded to me like it was just Willow jumping around. 
It happened again, twice pretty close together, so I looked over and saw a bird! It was flying around our office area trying to fly through one of the windows (which were all closed). I called for Will to come over and shoo it out, but just as he was coming Willow pounced on it! 
Thankfully it was only dazed and it's wings and legs still were working just fine. 
I was very glad about this as I didn't exactly want another animal boarding in our house! 
After sitting for a few minutes we left it in a bush and when we checked on it later it was gone. 
