The One Where We're Home Alone

Will went camping with some friends last night, leaving me home alone with Delilah. 

It wasn't as bad as I expected it to be and although she didn't sleep much, Delilah was very well behaved (thank you, Baby).
Last night the two of us watched Veronica's university basketball game online. 
She played like a star, sunk tons of balls, and it ended up being her career high game. 
Good choice of game for us to watch!

Apparently Dee thought something was funny during the game. 

Today we had bath time,

And laundry time. 
In case anyone was wondering: Delilah is pooping a very healthy amount. 😝

And lots of down time with cozy snuggles.

It's so amazing to watch our little miracle grow. 
She is becoming more and more self aware and likes to grab things and suck on her fist. 
If you are sitting and rest her against your torso, she will kick against your lap and push herself up and down. 
