Two Thousand and Eighteen

It's New Years Day of 2019. I'm sitting at our kitchen table with sounds of the fish tank, dishwasher, washing machine, and furnace all playing in the background. My hubby is outside burning the trees which have fallen in our most recent windstorms. Our daughter is sleeping (finally!) in her bouncy seat next to me. The two cats are dozing on chairs in complete opposite corners of the living room.

It's a relaxed sort of day. Better than your typical Tuesday since Will has the day off from work. But better than a Saturday (when he doesn't have to work) since we have no errands to run. We can spend today tackling the things that have gotten brushed aside over the last year.

The past three hundred and sixty-something days have gone by quicker than ever. In August the reality of passing time truly sunk in and I said to my co-worker, "It's August already! 2018 is almost over! It's basically 2020!!!" Slight exaggeration, but while time is going by as it always does, 24hrs a day, 7 day a week, it feels too quick for my liking.

People grow in different ways each year. Some years more than others. 2018 was hands down a year I have grown more than I've ever imagined. One year ago, when we did the countdown and rang in 2018 I naively had no idea what the year would behold (I should have caught the foreshadowing hint from my dad who wished 2018 would bring him a grandchild 😝).

No one has a perfect year, or one without hardships. 2018 has been the most difficult year of my life, but God in his mercy made it also the happiest. There's a quote I found online which goes,
"Until God opens the next door, praise Him in the hallway."
Throughout 2018 I often felt lost in the hallways of life. Waiting for a new door to open. To know which way I should be going. There were many days, weeks even, were I would have this thing (sometimes good, sometimes bad) given to me from God and I wouldn't know what to do with it. It took me a while to remember that even in my uncertainty I am called to glorify God's name.

They say God answers our prayers in three different ways: Yes, No, and Wait. I definitely felt a lot of waiting in 2018. But that taught me patience, trust, and faithfulness. God used this past year to show me his sovereign plan for me and His awesomeness as he carried me through it.

I was taught in 2018 how to be a wife and a mother. Neither of which you can ever learn enough of. Both of these roles I have looked forward to and am honoured to be called each.

I received so many blessings throughout 2018 and am curious to find out how this new year will unfold.

Image result for god is good all the time and all the time god is good god's not dead


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