March has been quite the month.
In a way it's gone by quickly so far, but at the same time I am more than ready for it to be over.
Bring on April!
Caught in the act!
Silly kid 😍
Sometimes I think we plan too many things for Saturdays. Usually Will tells me to calm down and not worry about it. But I still get anxious and overwhelmed that there aren't enough hours in a day. When I'm overwhelmed Will like to suggest that we, "Maybe go out for a stress free, relaxing dinner and talk about it?"
His sales pitch is sneaky.
The above is our IHOP napkin schedule we created two weeks ago.
Trying MumMum crackers for the first time
We try to go for Saturday walks, but sometimes Saturday's are just too busy. Now that the time's changed and we get sunshine much later we're able to go for a walk any free afternoon!
Peter's class performed Peter Pan: A Musical Adventure
He played a lead role - Peter Pan!
Very fitting!
These are some older pictures of us introducing Dee to apple juice for the first time
I spy with my little eye a sleeping cat!
Heading out to get shots!
Chloe's new spot to sleep - much to my frustration
Made some snickerdoodles!
Will texted me yesterday afternoon that he'd be home late. A normal occurrence as he'll sometimes stay a little while longer at work to get a project finished. But this time he was sneaky and didn't specify in his text that he was working late and when he came home he had bought me flowers!
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