Back To Work - Sort Of

It's been a busy week. 
I started doing daycare for two families and Will worked a couple 10hr days at work. 
We're both exhausted, and yet have a looonnng to-do list for tomorrow yet. 
Will worked himself too hard and was home sick and poor Delilah's been all out of whack too.

Eagerly looking forward to Sunday, our day of rest!

Oh, Babygirl, you are too cute!

When I asked Will to smile he gave me this look, and then Delilah turned her head away. 
They make quite the tag team.

Delilah and I got up bright and early like 'normal' people this past week to go do daycare.
Who knew the sun was already up at 6:15am? I sure didn't!

During nap time my new 3yr-old friend and I played Lego together and I built this tire rack for his "wheel store".

On Tuesday the weather was warm and sunny so I packed up the four kiddos (under four, I might add) up and we went for a walk to the park! 
Lots of fun!

My chunky baby is going to be six months old tomorrow and I'm not quite sure if I am emotionally ready for that yet. 😢💕
