We had this weird bug in our house a few nights ago!
One of our last few days with Chloe.
She kept playing with and in this box.
Will kept putting toys in the box...
Feeding herself!
Check it out!
Dee's pulling herself up onto furniture!
Post-nap snuggles are the best!
"Wait for me!"
"Thanks for meeting me halfway!"
"Too far! Chloe, you've gone too far!"
This kiddo gets into everything!
So pure. 💕
She pulled her sleeve over her hand...
...and got very frustrated with the situation...
So cute!
Matt came over to help me pack.
Discovered that the insulated casserole carrying case can be used as a backpack too!
How convenient!
We moved all our plants over to the new house.
This gem.
She beached herself on top of her diaper bag.
Her poor little belly was keeping her feet off the ground and she was stranded.
Reminded me of a turtle for some reason...
I love turtles!!!