What We've Been Up To

Between the business of packing up our house we're managing to keep on top of our usual business. 
Last night we had a minor accomplishment - We got into bed at 11:20, the earliest this week!

Having a baby on the move makes it difficult to do janitorial! 

We weren't home on Sunday to receive this gift so Willow kindly left it on the driveway for us to see as we pulled in. 

Packing can be fun!

I'm trying to teach her to fold her hands to pray. 
It doesn't usually last for very long but it's coming.
And so adorable. 
Especially when I catch her folding her hands randomly throughout the day!

I was very sad on Monday night when I went out to our berry plants to discover that the birds ate all our blueberries!!! 
All of them! 
Even the little green ones!

Last week I was thinking they were juuust about looking ready but I decided to wait a few more days before picking them. 
Shoulda picked them then. 

Our raspberry plant is still going strong though. 
So grateful for the fresh and free fruit we can enjoy!

This is one of Delilah's last baths so I thought I should take a few pictures since we don't really have any of her in the bathtub. 
Our new place doesn't have a bathtub so we'll either have to get creative or she's going to start taking showers!

And this was a nice surprise for me Wednesday morning! 
She woke up, rolled over, and I said, "Freeze!"

This, Ladies and Gentlemen, is photographic evidence that Delilah does in fact have hair on her head!
It can often be very difficult to spot, but it's there!

