Ten Months!

I am both surprised and saddened when someone asks how old Delilah is and I hear myself answer, "10 months."

August was such a whirlwind for us that I feel as if she just turned 9 months old! But no, that happened a whole month ago already...

 Delilah kicked off her tenth month of adventuring with her first ever ferry ride and camping trip. She had no problem adjusting to the relaxed vacation lifestyle and was extra cuddly the whole trip.

While we were camping she also started to sing! None of it makes any sense or follows any sort of tune, but it's adorable nonetheless and we love seeing her creativity come out!
Along with the singing she continues to love rattles and smashing anything together that might possibly make noise. She has a few musical toys that she gets so excited over when she can make them play. 

She overcame her fear of balls and figured out how to play pass. For real though, anytime a ball would come near her that was larger than she could grasp in one hand, she would become terrified. Slowly we've worked on getting her more accustomed to larger and larger sized balls. Right now she can comfortably play with a volleyball and we don't have anything larger in the house so that's where we've stopped.

Delilah is still crawling around and pulling herself up on everything. Will has managed to get her to stand unassisted for a few seconds, but he seems to have a magical touch because every time I try to set her up she just sits back down.

We haven't weighed or measured her in a long time, but she is wearing 12m to 2T sized clothing depending on what it is and the brand.

Her hair situation is still standard. When she gets sweaty or her hair gets wet you can see that she does in fact have hair, but it is still very fine.

We're not really sure how it happened, but Delilah has become a blankie baby. It's adorable! She'll snuggle with one (thankfully she's not picky) when she's tired and take it to bed with her. So cute! 

In her last week of being nine months old she cut her first tooth! Finally! I've had to be cautious as to what I give her to eat because she didn't have any teeth to chew, she'd just gum the food. But now that she's got one little baby tooth I am getting excited for another one to come in- hopefully soon- and we can broaden her cuisine.

Her favourite foods right now are yogurt, oatmeal with a scoop of applesauce, yams, and chicken.


  1. That gray blanket really brings out her eyes!!


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