1. I did a lot of driving today - in the rain.
Delilah and I went out this morning, this afternoon x2, and this evening. We covered 88 blocks North to South, and 60 blocks East to West.
And it wasn't just the rain, but also all the traffic and all the construction. Seems as though they're doing construction just about everywhere!
Because yes, she does that now.
She woke up from her nap at 2pm very unhappy and continued to flail and wail until 6:30pm.
I tried giving her snacks, giving her a bath, cuddling her, ignoring her, giving her Tylenol, talking to her, we even went in the car to run some errands.
Nothing worked.
3. Will's working an ultra long day.
His boss is gone this week so Will's filling in his boots. And they are large boots to fill! He was up to open the yard and shop at 6am and it's currently 9:00pm and he's still outside. I'm thankful that when he has shop work (like this evening) he is so close to home (just next door) and I can convince him to pause for an hour to rest and eat dinner.
The days can be long but the years will fly by!!