Weekly Wednesday Wupdate

Cold and rainy mornings at the bus stop. 

Definitely do not miss the early mornings and late afternoons I had when taking the bus while living in Surrey. 
And I remind my daycare kids of this every time they complain about getting on the bus at 8:15am! 

Helping Dad with his fishing stuff

Prior to this photo, Delilah was putting her baby into the box, closing the lid, opening it again, and getting all overly excited to find her baby there!

After two months, and for the first time in 2 years, and the first time in our married life, we have an oven that works 100%!!!!
Everything about it works! 
I'm quite happy! 😁

Delilah likes to do that thing (I have NO IDEA what it's called) where she moves her tongue in and out of her mouth while making noise. It sounds like, "Blah-ur blah-ur blah-ur." 
Or she'll make a noise and flick her fingers over her lips. 
And she'll do this for entertainment in bed while she's supposed to be sleeping. And then we hear it over the baby monitor. 

19 weeks. 
Can feel the little babe moving around now!
Inside and out!

I started filming this clip after seeing the animals lined up in the doorway but then I was so surprised to see her sorting the tic-tac-toe pieces! I've never seen her do that before! 

She played all by herself in the living room this afternoon for TWO WHOLE HOURS!!! 
And I got the whole kitchen cleaned and reorganized some cupboards!

Exploring the Tupperware cupboards of the house we go to do for daycare.

I was very confused to see this Recipe On Back label, because there was no recipe on the back of the box

Then I saw this little blurb, which was printed on there twice, saying to go to the website for the complete recipe. 
BUT there wasn't even a beginning or another mention of a recipe any where else on the box! 

Entertaining errors 😊
