But pretty too!
Dee loves to wear her daddy's hat!
Will and I went to White Rock for a date last week.
I took approximately no photos, except for this one, which was on our way back to the car and I said, "Oh, we should take a picture!"
To which Will replied, "Nope!"
And then he proceeded to be uncooperative and tickle me so I gave up. 😛
But we had a great time
Remember what I said last week about playing with recycling?
This Canadian Tire flyer is a prime example 😄
Being too cool for this uncle stuff. 😆
When we clean at the church we have to take all the garbage and recycling across the parking lot to the dumpsters. If we don't have the stroller in the back of our car then we can usually fit everything in the truck.
Last week there were more boxes than the usual 0-1 per week (that large box is full of flattened, and folded boxes) and so Will very creatively balanced everything ontop of the car.
He didn't quite take everything into consideration though, because those two boxes on the hood of the car fell off mid-journey when he turned the windshield wipers on!
Such a vegetable
It used to just be morning bus stop drop offs were cold, but now the afternoons are chilly too!
(Someone didn't want her picture taken!)
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