Joyful Joyful

These two kiddos bring me, and each other, so much joy. 


Delilah and I got to spend today hanging out with Ben.

We took him to swimming lessons (more pictures coming on Wednesday) and after that we drove down south for cheap gas and got stuck in a longer-than-anticipated border line. But Ben and Delilah were giggling away in the back seat the entire time! And it didn't stop when we got home either! 

I asked Ben what the best part of being an uncle is, and he said, "Making Dee laugh."
He sure did lots of that today! 

A lot of laughter, balloons, chasing, and make believe play that I cannot understand. 

It's really amazing how younger children can get along and play together even when they don't make sense talking to each other. I see this all the time at daycare, and in the church nursery, but it's extra special when it's two kiddos you love.

Ben has always been very proud of being an uncle, and completely enamored with Delilah. As she gets older it's adorable to see them play together and how excited she gets when I tell her we're going to Uncle Ben's house. 


  1. Love Ben's grin in the hospital!!


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