The One With The Snow!

We've had a mostly rainy today today, but around 10am I noticed that the rain was looking more like sleet than rain. 
Then at 10:30 HUGE clumps of snow flakes started falling! 
As could be expected, Delilah very excitedly clambered up onto the couch to get a better look at what was going on outside. 

And since there wasn't much on the ground and it was still 4℃ outside, we put our shoes and jackets on and went to check it out. 

This is how big some of the flakes where! 

Her face isn't in focus in this shot, but I love her expression! 


I got Dee to say 'Snow" a couple of times! 
She even was able to pronounce the 'sn' sound, which I was very impressed with!

This was right as a flake landed on her right eyebrow! 
It sure startled her!

An hour after the snow had begun, it stopped. 
Now it's 1pm and raining again 😒


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