Good Friday, Holy Saturday, and Easter Sunday almost passed by without a single blog post!
That's mainly because we didn't do anything particular to celebrate. Being in isolation due to this coronavirus and having just had a baby makes it difficult to do much.
But Easter is for sure a holiday worth recognizing! One of the most important holidays (arguably tied with, or before or after Christmas) for Christians.
Here's some photos of our Easter Sunday:
We watch all our church services on TV now. Delilah gets pretty antsy during the hour+ service and often plays for a bit, then sits to watch, then plays, then watches...
After the sermon this morning she stuck her brothers pants on her head and was being a total clown about it!
I think Little William looks like he's borrowed an old man's wardrobe with this cardigan, but I also think he's absolutely adorable in it too!
Will was on schedule to do the sound for the afternoon's service. Which left me at home alone to watch church with the kids. This picture captured a brief moment right before Will came back home, when only 1 out of 2 kids were crying... It was a long 2hrs without Will, and I'll have to listen to the sermon again sometime this week...
'Playing' video games with Daddy.
In Delilah's mind all the remotes need to be plugged in, even if they're fully charged. So she and Will both have cables plugged into their remotes, that then are lying on the floor. 😂
And we went for a pre-dinner walk to enjoy the sunshine!
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