Little William: 1 Month Old!

These last 30 days have flown by! 
Being in isolation and having just about zero plans on the calendar have taken away any concept of time that I have. You could tell me today is Tuesday or Saturday and either option would mean nothing to me. 
But today, Thursday, Little William is 1 month old! 
It's gone by so quickly. Now that I pause to think about it, it's so sad that he's already one month. I feel like I haven't cherished the little moments with him enough... 
We are so grateful that William has been just about as easy as his big sis. 
He goes to bed whenever Will and I do, and he'll sleep usually until 8am, but sometimes 10am. It all depends on his feed pattern. 
I nurse him every 2hrs, but if he's sleeping then the schedule gets bumped until he wakes up. The longest stretch of sleep he's done so far is 4.5hrs. During the night he'll typically wake up every 2-4hrs, but once his belly is full he'll go right back to sleep! 

At 2 weeks old, William already weighed 11lbs 11oz, which was one pound heavier than his birth weight! He hasn't been weighed since, but we'll see the midwife next week, so I'll have an updated weight to post then. 

He looks a lot older than a newborn to me, more like a 3 month old, but he's still 1000% adorable.
If given the choice, William would sleep in someone's arms or on his stomach rather than have to sleep on his back.
He loves his swing, his soother, being in a carrier, and having his chin tickled. 

He's a happy little snuggle bug and gives the largest, open mouth, toothless smiles! Just a few hours ago he laughed. A full on belly laugh. It startled me at first because his whole body was shaking, and the "Heh heh heh" was a bit choke-y and croaky, but he had such a big smile on his face that I finally clued in. 

Names he goes by:
Little William
Lil' Will
Baby William
