My apologies!
Self-isolation has totally thrown off my sense of time! Add having a baby to that mix and whatever concept of weeks I may have possibly still been clinging to is most definitely gone. And then we had the Victoria Day long weekend (two weeks ago now) and that has completely messed me up, 10,000%.
One more reasoning to explain my tardiness: This week has been busy for us. A strange sort of busy as our lives are slowly going back to normal and we have to relearn how to have a full schedule. I haven't even had time to sit down at the computer since Saturday so today will be my catch-up day.
So yep.
You are now receiving the Weekly Wednesday Wupdate on a Thursday. 🙈 But there's a lot of content, so hopefully that'll help make up for it!
We headed out on Thursday for another thrift store drop off.
My favourite store has limited openings and I completely planned my day around this drop off. They were going to open at 12pm, and I pulled in at 12:04! Worked perfectly!
After our morning of errands Little William was a bit clingy so I ate my lunch on the floor next to him to keep him company.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again, sacrificing the spoon licking after baking has been a very difficult part of motherhood...
That evening I was hosting a few friends for a fire. People were expected at 7:30, so at 7:25 I picked William up out of his swing to put in the stroller. But he had pooped literally all the way up to his shoulders, and soiled the swing. I had to completely change him and ended up getting outside late.
Keeps me humble 😛
Although there was no hugging, and we all kept our distance, it was so nice to see these people in real life and not just on a video call.
Friday morning was a little dreary so we had to bundle up a bit for our walk.
Dee was very proud to stand in this pothole, and then even more excited to see all the rocks surrounding it!
Once Will got home from work we went to Albert Dyck park for a picnic and walk
Little William was sooo tired!
Who needs a double stroller when you've go a cupholder to sit on?
Remember on Thursday William got poop on his swing? Well, I washed the cover and put it back on. BUT forgot to buckle the cover to the frame properly. So on Saturday I put him in the swing. All fine and dandy. I did some dishes and came back to see him like this! He absolutely loved it though, because he could push his feet off the ground and rock himself.
Picking at Little William's toejam - something I used to do for Ethan when he was a baby
Now that we are home on Sundays (we used to go to our families' houses for lunch and dinner) Will has been making pancakes for lunch.
He makes a cross between pancakes and pannekoeken and it is the perfect recipe!
Isn't that stack beautiful?
Little William: Beams at me with his huge gummy smile, his blue eyes twinkling, and makes those baby coo sounds
Me: Will! I'm gonna need a dozen more of these kiddos! Pronto!
She had a chocolate chip cookie for a snack - can you tell?
One very handy thing about COVID-19 is that I fold all my laundry while doing video calls with my friends.
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