92 days.
13 weeks and 1 day.
3 months.
We weighed and measured Little William this weekend and he's coming in at 20 pounds heavy and 26.5 inches tall.
All measurements that are off the charts!
All measurements that are off the charts!
We are very grateful that our church reopened for baptisms once again and Will and I were able to present Little William to receive this sign and seal of God's covenant.
We have successfully reached our final bedtime- 7:30pm.
And he only wakes up ONCE during the night, usually between 4-5am, and then he's up for the day between 7-9!
And he only wakes up ONCE during the night, usually between 4-5am, and then he's up for the day between 7-9!
In the past month he's learned to drink from a bottle and has no complaints about drinking from one when necessary.
I took him in to get his shots a few weeks ago as well. He did great, and although he cried fiercely at the time, he calmed down right away and didn't seemed phased by them at all afterwards.
I took him in to get his shots a few weeks ago as well. He did great, and although he cried fiercely at the time, he calmed down right away and didn't seemed phased by them at all afterwards.
He's mostly wearing size 12-18m clothing.
Crazy kid!
Crazy kid!
Little William loves sucking on his hands and snuggling with a blankie.
He spends most of his time in his swing, and is constantly entertained by watching Delilah play.
He spends most of his time in his swing, and is constantly entertained by watching Delilah play.
He's a generally happy boy and has an adorable gummy grin and inhaling laugh that's just the funniest.
Unlike Delilah, Little William just about always uses a soother to calm down.
But just like Delilah (and their dad), he's got THE STINKIEST FARTS!
But just like Delilah (and their dad), he's got THE STINKIEST FARTS!
Master Chubs
Master Chubs
Commander Chubs
Chuggy Wuggy
Beautiful pictures Aleana!! So cute.