Party of Ten

From Thursday to Saturday this past week Will and I watched my siblings while my parents enjoyed a few days in Whistler.

On Thursday night I severely overestimated how much food we would need for dinner. 
I had two dishes of Mexican rice in the freezer and thought I would need to make one more recipe in order for us to have enough for dinner. 
I was wrong. 
This picture was taken AFTER dinner.
We didn't even eat all of the frozen meals! 

On Friday morning we headed over to Aldergrove Park for a walk. 
This is the 'Build a Beaver Dam' station of the nature park. 
And you can see Nadia pointing at something...

 ...a snake!

Nadia kept track of the number, but we had just about everyone we passed on the trail comment on the size of our crew. Understandably so considering I had 5 kiddos with me!


Ben thought it was the coolest thing that the water would stir up when he tossed gravel into the pond

Delilah had been up early (6ish) with the kids and by eleven she was really feeling it!

The three of them kept arguing over who got to push Delilah in the stroller (what a great problem for me to have!), so it worked out well that the trail was so hilly and often required all three of them to get her up! 

They played along the grass of the bowl while I nursed Little William

Rolling and somersaulting down the hill

Nadia wanted to try carrying Little William in the wrap. The one we have is a sized wrap, not one-size-fits-all like most wraps are, so it was too big on her. But she was excited to give it a try! 

Delilah introduced her aunts and uncle to the great experience of watching her dad test drive mowers.

Friday after Will finished work we brought everyone back over to their house because it's easier to care for and entertain everyone on their own turf. 

Then on Saturday Will and Peter made french toast for lunch. 

Dee thought being in the tent was super cool! 

Peter's new tackle box is much larger and while he was transfering his things over I heard him say, "That's it! I'm just gonna need to buy more tackle!"

Benji got the retired box, which he could not contain his excitement about!

We had sushi for dinner that night and Delilah tried her best with the chopsticks! Way to go kiddo! 

***Ethan and Matthew were present as well. With work and friends they were pretty busy and didn't make it into any pictures.***
