Picking and Picnicking

Yesterday was Labour Day, a stat holiday here, and we had plans to go to the island in the river with some friends. Unfortunately Delilah was sick on Sunday night and we felt it would be best if we kept to ourselves. 

So off we went to Will's parents to pick some pears and apples, followed by a dinner picnic! 

Dee needed a bit of extra muscles to get the pears off the tree, but that didn't stop her from wanting to be involved in the fun! 

Got it!

We had a great method going on for the high ones, I'd pick them, pass to Will, who would pass to Delilah, who would put in the basket.

Later on we got a ladder which proved to me more efficient, even if it was less fun

See the apple she's got clutched in her little hand?

We brought home a whole basket full of fresh picked fruit! 
Now to find the time to turn it into pear and apple sauce...

 All done and ready to eat! 

We had a lovely picnic in the yard and were even joined by Chris and Ally
