WWW: Please Be Patient With Me, I'm Really Struggling With This Latest Blogger Update


Watching these two play and grow together everyday is such a blessing


On Thursday we had Ben come over



And more hugs! 

On Friday night our parking lot was bustling with guys (Will included) working on their trucks, and helping each other out, and I was off in a lit corner, working away to unscrew the stroller cover off its frame so I could wash it. 


This is Ethan's old sweater!
Little William looked adorable in it but it lasted less than an hour before he declared it was time for a wardrobe change by puking all over it...

Dee loves putting her dog in the jolly jumper and pushing him back and forth. 

See? This kid is on the move! No carpeted play area can contain Little William

So happy 

More leaks at our church - the poor building just can't catch a break! 

I don't know if my electrical terminology is correct above, but we searched around for 20 minutes or so trying to get power back to the plugs so we could vacuum. Finally figured it out - it was the switch labeled 'Washroom Lights' which I now know is electrician jargon for 'Foyer Plugs' 😆😆 

While Will and I were cleaning, Delilah put some toys in the baby swings. 
We love seeing her imagination grow! 

Saturday night we were out, and when we got home Will and Little William passed right out before even making it all the way into bed. 


Delilah always prefers the front row seat in our house to watch church. I find it's easier on my neck to sit further back on the couch... 

Ever wonder why Will didn't become an engineer or architect? 
This picture should reassure you that mechanics is where his talents lie. 

I caught these two reading books together in the library. 

And a while later they came out with their arms all covered in stickers! 

Who needs TV when you've got a front load washer? 


Took Little William for his vaccines again. 
Juuuust before the first one he puked everywhere. All over him, my leg, shoe, the floor. Thankfully he missed the nurse and her desk. 😱 She reassured me it wasn't the first time something like that's happened.

We were leaving for my parents at 1, and like usual I told Delilah while we were eating breakfast that she'd get to see Uncle Ben today. Welp, she now is able to fully understand what that means and for The. Rest. Of. The. Morning. she was putting her shoes on, grabbing her backpack, and kept asking to go to Ben's house. 😆 Now I know I'll have to wait until just before we leave to tell her. 
