Little William: 7 Months Old!

We love our Little William to bits and overall he is a content and cuddly boy, but I very passive aggressively took this monthly update photo in Little William's crib. 
He doesn't seem to like it very much. 
Well, really, he doesn't like to sleep through the night. 
He doesn't even have a wake pattern for the night any more either. 
Which has been tiring. 
We've been trying several different things and so far we don't feel like we're gaining much headway. Or sleep for that matter. 
Hopefully next month will be a different story. 

Little William. Chunk. Chungas. Chunky Monkey. Willis
Whatever you want to call him, this kid is truly living his best life.

In the last month Little William has found his voice! He has a very loud and masculine (as much as a 7mo can be) yell and cry. He loves to make noise for the sake of making noise while he's playing or just to keep himself entertained. He still has his bubbly belly laugh and is extremely ticklish all over. 

Little William has popped two front bottom teeth! I believe they came about a week apart, and I love how they peak through when he smiles. 

Just after he turned 6 months old Little William began planking and doing the downward dog. I kept saying, "Oh he'll be crawling by October. And then October came and is almost gone. Little William is the speediest army crawler I've seen. He gets around our house with no problem, even taking short cuts that the rest of us are too big to take advantage of. Furniture to Little William is a nuisance, why not crawl under the kitchen table, the coffee table, and Mom and Dad's bed? 

I don't know what the reasoning for it is, but Little William's finger nails (not his toes so much) grow at a comparable rate to bamboo! Way too fast! I feel like I'm trimming his nails every other day and even that's not enough to keep up. His poor little face (and his uncles') gets so scratched

Little William's figured out how to get from lying on the floor to a sitting position. I usually liked to have him sitting on the carpet so that if he falls over he won't hit his head on the tile, but now he sits up wherever and whenever he pleases. Thankfully he hasn't fallen and loves the extra freedom he's discovered. 

A few other things to note for this stage of his life:

-The kid is completely infatuated with shoes. If you are wearing shoes, or if there are shoes on the ground, he will find them and attempt to eat them 
-Went on his first 4x4 trip with the famjam
- Went for his next round of vaccines and threw up all over the office chair and floor. I was embarrassed. The nurse assured me it happens all the time. 
-Visited a pumpkin patch for the first time
- Got to meet a puppy
-Eats three meals of solid food a day and LOTS of Cheerios
-Officially welcomed size 2T clothing to his dresser drawers. The pant legs are still too long on him, but he needs the size to accommodate his waist and belly area
-Currently is on no schedule whatsoever. Because of his rough nights I tried changing his naps, but so far nothing has worked or stuck. And because of the nap schedule changing his feeding schedule is out the window too! 

And my little helper. Always eager to play peekaboo with Little William and assist in getting giggles out of him. 
