Waiting for our grocery pickup was taking just too long for Little William and he fell fast asleep with his hand up on his carseat handle.
Mom, I promise it's been tea or hot chocolate every other time!
A lap full of love
Dee loves helping me bake, and got her first experience with cookie cutters this week too!
Oh the joy on her face!
Her favourite puddle
Putting leaves in this puddle was extra fun because the puddle was so murky that the leaves would disappear. What fun!
I don't know how this started or ended, but all three persons involved had a grand old time building this hanger bridge in the kitchen while I made dinner on Monday evening. \
I was purging through my swimsuits on Tuesday morning and Delilah got all excited expecting we were going to go swimming. Then she was dead set on going swimming right then and there. I explained to her that we couldn't go swimming since S was over and we'd have to wait for another day when Daddy was home. She then got S's jacket and shoes and tried to shoo her out the door, thinking that we could go swimming once S leaves. So we talked through it again and she understood. And was so genuinely disappointed. It was adorable.
So later that afternoon I let her go swimming in the bathtub. She was so thrilled and kept calling it her 'baby pool.'
A good compromise!
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