
Whatever time of day you find yourself reading this, hello! Good morning, happy lunch time, or good evening. 😄

I just wanted to let you all know that I recently switched platforms for the email subscription service that I use for this blog. 

For those of you who were previously subscribed you will continue to be on the mailing list. If you haven't seen emails of the last few blog posts check your spam or trash bins as your email provider may have marked them as spam. Then mark the email as 'safe' or 'not spam' so that you will receive the updates directly to your inbox. 

If you haven't signed up for email notifications and are wanting to then all you've got to do is put your email into the box at the bottom of the page

This box! 

Then it will ask you for your name, 

and to make sure you're not a bot. 

Then voila! 

Like I mentioned above, you'll want to make sure that the emails aren't getting sent to your spam or trash folder, but once you've corrected that you should be good to go. 

Let me know if you have any issues with this and I'll do my best to help you through them. It's been a learning curve for me too! 
