WWW: Crafting, Cooking, and Cracking

On Tuesday afternoon Delilah asked me to make her some flags. These are what I managed to come up with. And she was the happiest ever! 
She thought it was so great to run with them, wave them around, and stick them high up into the air. 

After lunch on Wednesday Delilah said, "I'm tired. Gonna nap, Mom, kay?"
And off she went to her bed where she lay for 10mins reading. 
It was a picture worthy moment because she hasn't napped in months, and doesn't do quite time either. Maybe this could be the start of something?

Little William discovered the bottom drawer of the stove where I keep the metal pans. 
Very loud on the tile floor - perfect for a boy toddler! 😄

I love seeing her imagination at play! 

I try to do a meatless meal once or twice a week. 
German pancakes is a family favourite! 
The servings that the recipe makes really depends on how much you eat. Will and I (plus Delilah's and Little William's small servings) we polish off the whole pan. 

The kids and I have oatmeal for breakfast every morning. Will has cereal. 
On Friday morning Delilah managed to get her hands on a box of Cheerios. She put them in a plastic container and asked me for 'Milk like Daddy please"

She loves watching the comings and goings of our complex through our window. 

Hot chocolate bombs! 
They've been all the rage online for the past few months and Will mentioned to me a few weeks ago that he wanted to try them out. 
So when I saw a baker from our church advertise that she made them I put an order in! 
They were fun and very delicious, but hard to justify the price tag of $4 a piece when I know I could make them for much less... 

On Saturday morning Delilah asked me to build a bed for her baby out of megabloks. She then got her quilt from her bed and sat next to the baby to read her a story.
How cute! 

How does a minimalist iron without an ironing board? 
A cooling rack and towel of course! 


"Cheese it, Mom. Kids all holding hands!" 

She says 'Cheese it' or 'Take a cheese' when asking for a picture to be taken. 

Aaaaaand another one. 

I should have kept count from the beginning. 🙄 Yes, the tile hides dirt really well, but I'd rather have all my dishes back and have to mop more frequently. 

The shadows on this photo make deciphering it a bit tricky, but this is an egg flat. 
Little William likes to fetch these out of the recycling bin and he bites off the sticky-outy parts (first class terminology right there 😉) of the carton.
What a weird guy! 

Reading books to her bunny 💜

And then reading books with Uncle Ben

Ben tried teaching Delilah how to play soccer. 


And my big helper - always wanting to stand on a chair next to me whenever I'm working in the kitchen. 
