On Saturday we had our family over to celebrate Little William's birthday.
I am so grateful that Will was around to help out just as I was going to place these trucks on the cake. He had a much better vision in mind than me and I love how the cake turned out!
Little William soon spotted the treats on the table and was quickly up on his tiptoes reeeaaaacccchhhing for something yummy to snack on.
Oh he was not happy one bit that I moved the candle out of his reach!
That's one content looking chocolate covered face!
Little William is sporting a new vest that Oma knit for him. Perfect for church as we come into spring weather!
And Delilah must be laughing at something funny Oma said.
One of William's gifts was this tractor you can build and take apart with a little drill. It was a bit beyond his interest at this stage, he was much more content to suck on the drill bits 😆
But Delilah got it figured out!
I love how concentrated she was here while focusing on the task at hand
I found these plastic hats on Amazon and thought they added a fun touch to the party.
When I first took the hats out Little William thought they were fun, but they're a bit big for his noggin yet and kept falling over his eyes. Despite my efforts he did not want to pose for a picture wearing a construction hat...
Delilah was the first person to hold Jonah when he came to his nephew's party.
Too bad we didn't stick a hat on Jonah!
And here's a not-so-short shorty story to close us out:
I baked the cake on Friday night and as I was cracking the 6th out of 8 eggs into the bowl I saw a shell fall into the cake batter. I quickly tried to scoop it out but it got lost in the other ingrediants. I spent almost an hour (and that is not a joke) trying to find back this silly egg shell. I even poured the batter out onto cookie sheets and raked through it with a spoon trying desperately to rescue the cake.
By 10pm I called it quits and decided to just go ahead and bake the cake and cupcakes as is and hope beyond all hopes that Will or myself would get the piece with the eggshell.
Well, all of Saturday went by and no one admitted to finding an eggshell in their cake. Statistically it must have been found though, as there were only 3 slices of cake and 6 cupcakes left. So I figured that whoever got it handled the situation with much grace.
Then, on Sunday evening Will and I enjoyed two of the remaining pieces of cake and low and behold, I FOUND THE EGGSHELL!
I cannot tell you how relived I was! 😄
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