On Monday my dear Will had his birthday.
I had asked him if he wanted to have family over to celebrate but he was content to fall under his son's shadow. When I pressed him again to have a small party he assured me that we would see our extended families another day, and we could eat birthday cake left over from Little William's party.
I've learned over the years that Will's love language is by no means cards. And even if I write a beautiful blog post here about his birthday he won't read that either. And that's okay.
Don't worry, I've wished him a happy birthday countless times over in person on Monday and he confirmed to me that he felt the birthday love.
But because I just love Will so much I'm going to take a couple of minutes here to write a not-so-brief blurb about him. 😀 Feel free to skip down if you want.
To put this somewhat like the kids' monthly updates, Will's 24th year has been another one full of changes.
They say opposites attract and although Will and I are similar enough, he is a dreamer while I struggle with change. From big dreams to little dreams, seemingly unattainable dreams to just wishing we could have pancakes for dinner tonight. Will always has something being planned in his head, and some project he's working on in the shop.
This past year saw Will learning how to raise two children, going back to an old job, and moving the closest to the city he's ever been. He took up hunting as a new hobby, we embarked on his dream of tinyhome living, and he learned to liven up his children's storybook reading.
I tell Will often that I am proud of him. And I mean it.
He has amazed me this past year in many ways.
Just a few would be how he hasn't shied away from taking on extra janitorial duties at church, how he has taken the time to come along side friends who are/were working through big life things, and how he continues to guide and lead our growing family.
Now I don't want to make Will out to be flawless either, I did have to remind him last night to put his dirty clothes in the hamper 😄 but for the most part he's way funnier than me and brings a lot of rational thinking into our home.
So, what did we do on Will's birthday?
Went to Bass Pro Shop, of course. 😁
Just the two of us (thanks to Will's parents for watching our kiddos). And I told Will to go pick out a present.
Because at Christmas I tried to buy him something but got the wrong thing so he had to exchange it and get the right one. So this time around to avoid any hassle I just let him pick things out.
He was smiling the whole time in case you were wondering.
After shopping we went for dinner and enjoyed having an evening together.
At one point Will commented to me, "It feels like when we were dating!"
"And why's that?"
"Just driving around, having so much fun, and we don't have any of the kids with us."
And then we both turned at the same time to look at the carseats in the back of the truck. 😆
It's difficult to take a nice picture when walking. Will didn't want to stop because he was so eager to get back to the truck to try out his new birthday presents.
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