WWW: Eating Dirt and Holding the Baby

Caught eating dirt outside (again!) and feels not one bit guilty! 

Delilah loves getting to hold Jonah! 

Oh and I do too! 

What a sweet little guy! 

While walking on Thursday Delilah discovered there were lots of spraypaint markings on the sidewalk. 

How fun to get to follow them all on our path! 

The sky was so pretty with such clear colours that afternoon

Delilah was playing with her stickers and made a seahorse family!
That's Will and I in the middle, and then Delilah and Little William on the sides. 

Um... Excuse me? 
I don't think that's the proper usage for the play kitchen! 


Delilah made an icecream cone using a bucket and volleyball. 
What a card! 

I caught Dee outisde on Friday morning wearing my shoes! 

No dirt on his face yet! 

While we were cleaning the church on Saturday afternoon we stuck both kids up on the counter to eat their snack so they wouldn't track crumbs all over the freshly cleaned floors. 
They were so excited and happy to get to be up so high and sitting next to eachother. 

Little William couldn't quite figure out how to copy his sister's tricks. 
Poor guy got stuck and I had to rescue him shortly after taking this picture. 

On Sunday morning we got to go to church and witness Jonah's baptism! 

Although Will and I are there every week for janitorial duties, this was our first time in the church building on a Sunday since October, 2020! 

We had the time change on Sunday morning and so on Monday both kids slept in until 8am rather than their usual 7. 
When Delilah woke up and found Will had already left for work she was distraught!
"My Daddy not here!" and a full water-works display ensued. 

But then all was fine a little while later and I caught her talking on the phone to Shelby. 😄
Watching her personality and attitude while 'on the phone' makes me wonder what I look like taking and making calls. 😆

The beloved toy rotation gives us such a quiet afternoon as Delilah is fascinated by all the new things out to play with. 

Will (bottom left) was cutting the body of our parts truck on Monday after work. Both kids were excited to get to watch him, but when he started cutting the metal frame Delilah got scared by the loud noise and came running into the house! Little William on the other hand was completely unphased and stayed out there the whole time. 
What a difference in their characters! 


I was making a horse as per Delilah's request, but it really wasn't looking too hot so it became a camel. Good save on my part I thought! 


  1. That's a really great camel Aleana!


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