WWW: Cranberries, Cherry Blossoms, and the Playground

Our little railing planters are doing great and have been just loving all the sun we've had! 


I've been making these cranberry bars using all those cranberries that I bought from The Bog way back in October, and I just love them!!! 

William so loves helping me clean all around the house. 

Is it just me or does he look like he's trying to climb onto the stove!!!


Delilah has renamed her kitty 'Baby Jonah' and often asks me to hold him when he's crying inconsolably. I love her imagination! 

Delilah loves all the ingredients we serve in our rice bowls, except she doesn't prefer to eat rice, so she just eats the toppings.

That carseat box from earlier this year is still proving it's worth. 
Inspired from reading so many Franklin books, Delilah now asks if we can "slide down the riverbank?" when she wants to set up the box as a slide. 

Would it really be spring if I didn't share a cherry blossom picture? 
I think not! 

Delilah has begun mirroring my hands-on-the-hips stance.
And I caught her doing it on our walk on Thursday afternoon. 

On Saturday afternoon Delilah and I went for a walk and saw a streak of oil on the road. 
Delilah was so excited to see it. 
"It's a perfect rainbow, Mom!" 

And then we found a snail downstairs at home. 
Which kept her entertained for the next 30minutes 😄

We had outdoor church again on Sunday. 
Will is busy with the tech team all day long but the kids and I came for the morning service and then we ate lunch together between services. 

In the afternoon we tried out the drive-in service for the first time as we've only been attending the outdoor services since they opened. 
And I've determined that outdoor is a better option for the kids. Sitting in the truck they just want to play the whole time, but when we're outside they'll sit a bit more reverently and participate more in the worship service.
The one perk was that no one else can hear when our kiddos are being loud! 

The pastor came by to our window before the service began to say hi and after that Delilah kept hanging her head out the window. 
"I'm waiting for the people to come talk, Mom" 

Dee asked me to take a picture of this. 
Spot the bolt that she so carefully placed into these rocks that she set up. 

I wish I knew what was going on her head and one day she'll be able to explain herself better, but for now she just makes me so happy. 

Heading for a walk on Monday afternoon to the store for a few things and then...

...stopping at the playground! 

Well, well, well... 

I turn my back for two seconds and then found Delilah like this. 
Oil on her shirt, pants, hands, boots, hair, and the thing she was most upset about - her stick|! 

On Tuesday afternoon it was a little chilly when we left the house so I put a jacket on and asked Delilah to wear one too. She insisted she wasn't cold but would carry it away. I have no idea where she got this idea from as I've never asked her to carry her jacket, and I asked Will and he has no clue either. But it sure was cute! 

Blueberry mess
