Delilah has learned how to peel boiled eggs. It's a new favourite activity of hers.
Can you tell she's been sitting in on all my driving lessons for learning how to drive standard?
This is an ice-cream cone she made out of Playdoh
Heading out on a walk with Uncle Ben
I tried to take them to a secret passageway but it was all over grown.
Delilah got a new book and was so eager to read it as soon as we got home.
William's current favourite chore is unloading the dishwasher. The top rack is a bit tricky for him yet as he's not tall enough to reach everything up there, but the bottom he can unload and he even can put the cutlery away.
Close enough!
Both kids played in there for probably 20minutes. Which is very long in toddler time.
Our neighbours had a dishwasher delivered and it was probably the highlight of these kiddos morning!
My latest Playdoh creation.
This is Delilah's snowman. She got innovative and used her tools as arms.
We had some extra time at a friend's house on Saturday morning waiting for everything to show up before heading out on our 4x4 trip and Delilah found a run bike and played all around the farm on it.
Walking to church with these two.
I absolutely love walking to church! I wish we had done it more often before!
My bridesmaids dress for Veronica's wedding came in this week and she dropped it off for me on Sunday afternoon.
Fits perfectly, although Delilah was disappointed she wasn't allowed to try it on. I told her she could try it after the wedding.
Is it a teepee? Is it a tripod? No one knows!
They sat side by side to eat their cookies all by themselves on Monday morning.
I know I'm a bit bias but they are so adorable!
Slowly and slowly Delilah is realizing that her and I are not quite equals when it comes to sharing Daddy.
If she's around and I am affectionate to Will she'll 9.5/10 times copy me.
In the last week or so we've been discussing family relations - mom, dad, daughter, son, sister, brother, grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc... And she got so upset when I told her I was Daddy's wife and she was Daddy's daughter.
Then on Monday evening she made a comment about being Daddy's wife and Will corrected her. She had the biggest quivering bottom lip and pout and then burst into tears.
Oh it's so cute.
Waving goodbye to Daddy
Delilah spotted this little bird on the wire
What a ham!
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