Weekly Wednesday Wupdate: This Past Week Has Been HOT

I turned the A/C machine on on Thursday morning and a plastic play cup came shooting out of the exhaust hose and waaaayy down onto the parking lot below! It was quite humorous to see! 
Hmmm I wonder how that got in there? 

"Mom! Take a picture of me be silly!"

A bucket of water and some plastic bowls is all it takes to keep this kiddo entertained for an afternoon. 

Perks of having young grandparents is that they can....

....throw their grandkids around! 

William wanted so badly to help me make dinner this evening. He even grabbed the veggie peeler to convince me that he'd be a help, not a hindrance. Too bad he over looked the fact that he's not allowed to play with the peeler... 

The sky was so beautiful that evening! 

Delilah and her friend used their imaginations to play balloon pass with whisks. Very interesting to see them going at. 

"Take a picture, Mom?"

William's dishwasher unloading handy-work 

Delilah has taught William how to climb back up a slide so that you don't have to bother running around and clambering up the ladders to get to the top in order to slide down. 

He's quite proud of this accomplishment. 

Watching heavy machinery at work is always a highlight for these kids. 

I made this salad (which I thought looked very nice) for a BBQ on Sunday evening. Unfortunately by the time we got to the park the salad had been naturally tossed and all the strawberries and cheese made their way to the bottom of the bowl. 

I was up at 6:30 on Monday morning to get some cookies baked before it got too hot outside. 

The leftyisms are strong with this guy! 

"Look Mom! I made a D for Delilah!"

Ah! My baby is writing letters now? Not sure if I'm ready for that... 😭

Also I totally see the word "poop" written here

What a card! 😂

It was so hot during the day on Monday that we didn't get to bring out the recycling in the afternoon like we usually do. But Delilah still wanted to go for a walk with me to bring it to the end of the driveway so she stayed up a little later and we went out around 7:30. Crazy how warm it was despite being the evening! 

"Check out my tower!"

It fell over quite quickly after this picture...

...but then we rebuilt it.

It was so hot on Tuesday afternoon that I caught William just chilling on the couch - right in front of the A/C unit! 😆 Smart guy! 

Our doorknob broke again... 
I'm thankful that the two times it has broken we have been inside trying to get out, and so have access to all the screws to remove it ourselves. Or, I should say Will has access to remove it himself. I just watch. 😛 But it appears that it may be done for good this time around... 

Delilah's flowers 💛
