Weekly Wednesday Wupdate: Bridal Shower, Biking, and Blackberries

William was drinking his cereal straight out of his bowl on Wednesday morning and got a cheerio stuck on his forehead and his nose! He thought it was so funny and we did too! 

Delilah wanted to take her purse with her as we ran our errands on Wednesday and she was so proud to be carrying it "just like Mommy." She had a granola bar that she kept in it and she would take it out of the purse, take a bite, and put it back. Then wait a minute and take the granola bar out again to take another bite, and then put it back inside the purse. 
This purse used to be her oma's - how special! 

We had Veronica's bridal shower on Friday night! 😁 Esther made these yummy cupcakes in the shape of a ring

Our neighbours are away on holidays and so we get to watch Knox and Georgia! They are quite self sufficient and require little care, but it's still fun to intentionally pop in every day to see them. 
While watering the gardens on Sunday evening I stopped by to say goodnight to them.

On Monday the kids and I were feeling a little under the weather. William vegged out on the couch like this for bits and pieces throughout the day which is so unlike his usual busy character. 
He also napped from 12 to 4:30 which was glorious because it then gave me the opportunity to nap from 1:30 to 4:30. Delilah slept from 1:30 to 5:30 and she very rarely naps. 

That evening we went outdoors for some fresh air to help us clean our heads and it gave Delilah a chance to try out her new bike! 

The silly cows were not interested in coming in for their grain on Monday evening so Will had to go to the edge of the field to herd them in. Unfortunately the lama also noticed Will was shaking the grain bucket and came over to try to get some. Will said it is much more intimidating facing the lama when you are on the same side of the fence as her! We managed to lure her away so Will could get past and climb back over and thankfully the cows were interested in the kerfuffle and came our way and got their grain. 

By Tuesday the kiddos were mostly back to their normal selves, asides from a bite of a loss of appetite. I surveyed from the comfort of the couch with lots of tea, which was one of the three things I've found appealing over the last few days. 

"Ugh this is hard, Mom!"

I asked her to smile 😄

We had a new neighbour move in to our complex so Delilah and I brought a plant over as a welcome gift. 

And our on evening walk on Tuesday Delilah spotted two ripe blackberries which she excitedly showed me and then picked to eat! 
