We have child locks on all our cupboards but forgot to lock this one after breakfast on Wednesday morning. By 9am the kids had discovered the treasures and were helping themselves to chocolate chips. 😄
Delilah asked me to take a picture of this cloud because, "It has a unicorn horn!"
This boy and his rocks...
On Thursday evening we went to my parents house for dinner. Matt was working on this compactor and William was so eager to be out there helping him. See the two screwdrivers he is holding?
While cleaning the church on Friday evening I came into the nursery to find Delilah with some dollies all set up on little chairs having church.
So cute!
Will was reading through this ABC book with Delilah and when they came to this page she called the nuts 'birdfood' which we thought was so cute. Her reasoning was that there was a nest right next to it, so fair enough. But it made Will chuckle!
On Saturday we did the Lower Falls trail in Golden Ears. . Room in the big bus for us all!
Ethan and Will with their long legs were in the lead the majority of the walk.
It wasn't too hot out, but for sure summer weather and the cool waters were a welcomed sight by everyone - man and animal.
Even Jonah wasn't startled by the temperature of the glacier-fed creek.
My favourites 😍
The waterfall!
Will lifted Madilyn up to safely get a better view of the pools, and it reminded me of this picture below from February 2016:
We stopped at the creek bank again on our way back to the van and Will caught a minnow!
Little William napped for about five minutes after lunch and the poor guy just couldn't make it to dinner time.
Cleaning the church on Saturday night I was startled when a family of raccoons ran right past the windows I was cleaning and scrambled up a tree.
Puzzling at home between church services. One of our favourite pastimes.
On Monday Delilah worked up the courage to pick up Shiloh and ever since she won't put the poor kitty down! 😆 Shiloh is such a good sport about it, and when she's had enough she'll hide under the couch, away from the reaches of Delilah.
We went to celebrate Uncle Ted's birthday on Monday evening and William found himself some blueberry bushes.
Will took Delilah for a swim
We haven't done much swimming in the last year and a half, but Delilah is doing quite well considering.
William was very excited on Tuesday evening when he spotted some 'bop bops' out the window.
He means bunnies. 😄
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