Dee had put two play cups in her pockets and wanted me to take a picture!
On Thursday afternoon I was weeding through our pots and planters that were out on the patio and this little froggy caught me by surprise! He was under two brown leaves and I had dismissed the green as another live leave. His texture threw me off as my fingers brushed against him as I plucked out the dead leaves and then all of a sudden he jumped to the other end of the pot. Totally scared me! 😆
Will went shopping on Thursday night and proudly came home with this find. You may notice it has been discounted not once, not twice, but THREE TIMES!
Truly a man after my own heart. 😍
Delilah wanted me to make her a playdoh baby for her swing. This is the best picture I got before the swing's arms broke off. Playdoh can be tricky like that...
Waving goodbye to Daddy and Uncle Derek as they leave on an adventure (more on that to come)
Putting together pulled pork to cook overnight.
On Sunday evening Dee got her hands on a cloth and was adamantly going around wiping at spots on the floor. "I need to do my cleaning." She kept saying. 😄 Such a cutie.
👋 Hello fifteen week bump! 👋
Remember with William my bump had a square sort of shape to it? I'm noticing it with this baby belly too! Maybe it means it's a boy? Maybe that's just how my belly is now? Who knows! But it's kinda fun seeing the curves at the top and the bottom and a flat line at the peak of the bump.
Peekaboo! I see you!
I guess William couldn't wait for me to open the blinds before he went to check on the cows.
I was lying in bed resting on Monday afternoon when Delilah excitedly came into the bedroom. "Mom, you gotta see these pictures I did!"
"Yeah? What did you draw?"
*Eyes wide* "Colourful scribbles!"
She carefully places the papers on the bed next to me. "See?"
"Oh yeah, I can see that."
Still very excited, "See I used purple for these scribbles and green for these scribbles?"
"Oh honey, you're the best!"
"Thanks, Mom."
A whole lot has been going on in our household lately and because of that the housework has been severely suffering. 🙈
--On a quick side note; I DID mop the floors the Labour Day long weekend, which was an accomplishment for me since they hadn't been mopped since June. Welcome to the reality of the first trimester of pregnancy...--
But back to now, on Sunday night I wrote myself a long list of things that needed to get done this week so on Monday afternoon I began with cleaning under our beds.
We keep a lot of storage things under our beds which is great for storing things, but not so great for when you want to sweep under there. So Delilah helped me to pull everything out from the beds and we gave them all a good sweep and mop before reorganizing the items as they went back under.
This above picture is mostly what came out from our bed. The humidifier does not go under the bed. And there are two, yes TWO, mattresses (one toddler bed and one futon {that rope is to tie the futon mattress down into a workable size}) that we keep under our bed, as well as one pillow.
So yeah, and that's only the master bed! 😂
The kids have discovered that their bath toys can stick onto their foreheads. And that if they lie on their bellies they can see their reflection in the overflow cover. What goofs! 😆
I found some frozen bananas in the freezer on Sunday and took them out so I could bake on Monday.
For as crazy and intense as this kid can get, he also has a very gentle and quiet side to him.
Delilah has always loved exercising beside me, but on Tuesday evening she tried out Cosmic Yoga for the first time. Her yoga. Not for William. Not for Mommy. She was very proud it was her very own exercise video.
And she totally loved it.
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