It was a rainy day at daycare on Wednesday and the littles played together so wonderfully that I actually had time to sit at the table and read!
On Thursday morning we were rushing to get out the door on time (as we typically are) and as I was searching for William to get his shoes on, I found him on the bathroom floor with foundation all on the floor, cupboard door, his hands, his jacket, and pouring out of this mouth... 😮
What a guy!
That evening we went to our neighbour's house and William was so intrigued that they had a full flight of 20 stairs, whereas we have ours spilt in two with a landing.
Watching Knox and Georgia out in the fields is always a favourite pass time for these kids.
I thought it would be fun if the kids and I made orange juice together on Friday.
Turns out you need a LOT of oranges to make a decent amount of juice for three servings. We juiced two oranges and learned to be content with the two sips we each got. 😆
Maybe we'll try again another time with proper oranges rather than just giving it a go on a whim with what we have at home.
Another rainy day, another puddle to play in
These two fetched the laundry hamper and loaded the washing machine all on their own on Monday morning.
Such helpful kiddos!
Delilah even asked if we could have our dryer on the ground so she could move the wash into there. 💛
Look at the anticipation in those eyes!
I saw the tell-tale look in the skies off and on all afternoon, but was disappointed every time I checked not to be rewarded with a rainbow.
Then Delilah was sitting in the rocking chair and pointed out the window, "Mom! Look! I see a real rainbow!"
She was so thrilled to have spotted it and wanted it to stay there so she could show Daddy when he got home, but I had to explain to her that they come and go on their own and we can't kept rainbows in the sky.
On Tuesday afternoon I exercised for the first time since June. Morning sickness hit me quite hard, and then we had covid, then a teething toddler, then colds, and then I realized I was just making up excuses for myself.
During my pregnancy with Delilah I squatted a lot, and with William I worked out and squatted even more. Third time around I've maybe done 100 squats total this pregnancy.
Hopefully I can get back into a routine of sorts and get my strength back for labouring this kiddo.
And on that note, I'm now 21 weeks along!
We've crested the hill and are officially in the last half of pregnancy!
This is little one moves around a lot and now is roughly 10 and a half inches tall and weighs about 14 ounces.
We found out this past week that we would have to start planning to deliver our baby at home in March. Fraser Health had an announcement that as of Oct 26th, 2021 all visitors to acute care would have to be fully vaccinated.
Since Will and I disagree with mandatory vaccinations we agreed that having a home birth would be the route we'd take.
Well, I checked back on Fraser Health's website today, Oct 27th, and was pleased to find that the term 'acute care' is now missing from their notice:
So now we may be able to deliver in the hospital again without supporting any silly mandates.
During our pregnancy with William the rules around labour and delivery changed a lot in the handful of days before he was born (shut downs began 10 days before he was born).
Now with our first full pregnancy in the midst of Covid I'm glad we lasted 20 weeks before our first rule change, and I'm even more glad that the problem solved itself quite quickly.
I expect there to be more flip flopping of the regulations before March 2022, and even though I do know there's still plenty of time for things to work themselves out, I'm also pretty sure that I'll get worked up about each nonsensical new rule as they come out...
A hymn that the kids love to sing goes like this;
"Jesus is our sure defense.Why should we then fear or waver?All our hope and confidenceRests on Him, our risen Saviour.Even in our darkest hourHe will shield us with His power."
A comforting reminder when the things around us seem discouraging.
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