Weekly Wednesday Wupdate: A Big Cat and A House Cat

A family that I daycare for has this lion costume and ever since we started there (when Dee was 1.5yro) Delilah has been terrified of it. Last week she brought me the costume and asked if I could help her put it on. I was impressed with how brave she was about it, although it did scare her at first to see herself in the phone camera! 

At the beginning of the year I lent my mom all of our baby things for her to use for Jonah. Now I'm slowly getting things back as he's moving out of the little baby stage and as we prepare to welcome another little one. 

The bin of baby boy clothes came back to me with many more items than I had sent it out with and I had also gotten a box of hand-me-downs from a friend and somehow I needed to get everything to fit back into just one bin. 
So I spent all of Thursday morning sorting, organizing, and culling the clothes. Delilah and William were very excited to get to help out in the process. Delilah would take things out of the boxes so I could check the size and wear, and then William would bring items for donation over to a separate box. 

It was pouring rain all day and Delilah kept asking to play outside but I kept answering no. 
After lunch she put my boots on and told me she was going to check on the rain. Very quickly she came back in the house, "It's really rainy out there." 
"Yes, that's why we're playing inside today."
"I think a towel will help my head."
Thinking that this was to dry her head after going out in the rain I agreed. So she grabbed a teatowel and then draped it like a prayer covering before heading back outside. 
What a character! 😆

Can anyone explain what's happened here? 
I sure can't. 

I was folding laundry in the bedroom on Thursday afternoon when William came in toting a bottle of mustard under his arm in a football carry. As I reprimanded him he booked it out of the room. I came out of the bedroom to find him standing proudly next to a cracked egg (?!?!) on the dinning room table! 

Our landlord had concrete poured on Friday morning which provided lots of entertainment for the kids.

William brought Shiloh all these toys and while she didn't seemed too thrilled by the situation, she was very patient with him. 

We attended a murder mystery party on Saturday evening for Ally's birthday. My character was an 80's punk who supposedly didn't want to be at the party and was very tough and serious about everything. 
In reality I was laughing most of the time and had to ask someone else to open a bottle of juice for me. 😆
Will didn't want a picture taken, but he was a presidential candidate wearing his suit and we made him campaign flyers that he handed out to the other guests. 

We're battling yet another cold so I stayed home from church with William on Sunday. He was the perfect snuggle bug for a rainy Sunday morning. 


Both the kids are very excited that there are Christmas lights going up again! On Monday evening we were heading to Chris and Ally's but this house just down the road was all decked out so we walked over there briefly for the kiddos to gaze at. 


  1. Wow Aleana you look pretty tough as a punk rocker but your eyes were dancing!!


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