A Day In My Life #14

The week of December 5th, 2021 was a very tiring one. Will was attending a first aid course which meant he was home much later than normal and when he was home he was mostly busy with homework and readings. We knew it was going to be a rough week and we kept encouraging each other that it was only one week. 
I woke up on Thursday, December 9th and on a whim I decided to document the day. I figured it would be a good way to look back on all the precious moments that happened in the day and recalibrate my mind which was stuck in a rut of feeling discouraged by how busy with the week had been. 

And would you look at this! 

It was a great day! 
I baked cookies, our friend S came over, I had time to exercise and even got out to the church for some janitorial work. 

(there were some technical difficulties with the app I use to add text to photos.. that's why they aren't all uniform....)



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