Christmas Eve

I left you on the morning of Christmas Eve expressing my feelings of blah towards the day.
Annoyed? Morose? Cranky?
Just all around not quite feeling it. 

Well, things turned out alright. And not just alright, they worked out in the best way possible! 
A good lesson for me to content and trusting in whatever circumstance I'm in. 

It started snowing around 6am on Friday morning. 
The kids and I went out at 10 to get their snow-fix in as it was supposed to melt that afternoon. 

I told Will afterwards that getting two littles ready to go out in the snow is like training for a 100yard dash. Months of training for a 10-20 second run. 
For us it was 30 minutes of dressing and undressing for 7 minutes of play. 😆

While we were outside Will texted me to say they were all being let off at lunch so he would be home for the afternoon! 

My mom suggested that we switch things around this year and start opening presents in the afternoon and have dinner afterwards so that Will could be there before he had to leave for the evening. 
So that's what we did! 

William got this toy washing machine and it seemed to catch everyone's attention


We had a slight mishap with the gifts from our name draw where William got two presents and Will got none. 🙈 I guess that's the risk you take when 23% of your family is named William. 😆
In everyone's defense, Will was pretty sure he got Little William's name but it could have been his own name and he could have been part of the problem 😛

Amidst the chaos of the gift opening I spotted these two playing off to the side with some castoff ribbons. 

After the gifts were opened we ate an early dinner together and Will headed off to the church to do sound for an event. 
It was so providential that things went the way they did because shortly after Will left Dad got a call to go out to help someone who was feeling unwell and he was able to leave without missing dinner or gifts as we had already completed both. 

And so I ended Christmas Eve on a much happier note than when it began. 


  1. I love love the last picture!! It was a nice Christmas wasn't it?


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