WWW: French Fries, Family, and Fifty Tabs


While at our daycare family's house on Thursday we did a few art lesson videos with the kids. This is Delilah's box of french fries with extra decoration added around it. 
Can you make out the box with scribbled fries sticking out of it?

On Friday evening we celebrated Ben during 6! It was a belated birthday for him as he actually had his birthday the week before but was away up North on his special day. 

Uncle and nephew. 
They could pass as brothers in their age difference, but not looks! 😄
The Vanspronsen genes sure run strong in William. 

We forgot to close the laptop before going to bed on Friday night, so on Saturday I woke up to find Shiloh laying on the keyboard and 50+ tabs of the same pdf open on the screen. 

On Monday morning we all got up early to drive Will to work. Back at home we cuddled on the couch to wake up all the way. Delilah wanted us to all take a picture with William, "being such a snuggly buggly little guy"

Recently someone shared this company, Little K Company, with me. The owner is a local lady from one of our churches and she makes some adorable little baby clothes. 
I picked out this baby hat to bring with us to to the hospital when our baby gets here. It's hard to tell from the photo, but it's a navy colour, which I figure will match either the pink floral or white dinosaur sleepers we are bringing as our kiddo's first outfit. 

7 months pregnant and feeling like less and less items in my wardrobe actually fit these days! 😆 

On Tuesday evening Delilah and I finished this 300piece puzzle that we'd been working on for the past three nights once William went to bed. As she was breaking it apart Delilah said nonchalantly, "You didn't take a picture of this one, hey Mom?" 
"Ah! I didn't take a picture! Freeze!"
"Nah, it's okay."
And so now we have this picture to commemorate our time together. Better than nothing I guess 😄


  1. I think Jonah and William could pass as brothers!! Their eyes look the same.


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