Yesterday was Family Day and while Will had to work, the kids and I went out with his mom to White Rock.
William was very proud of himself for being able to climb up these big rocks.
Somehow a seagull juuust managed to poop on the back of my leg. 😩 So gross!
Looking for creatures in shells
The sunshine was warm and absolutely gorgeous, but oh the wind! The wind was so cold.
Delilah was done with the wind only 40 minutes into our being at the beach. She asked me a few times if we could go home yet. Near the end we convinced her that if she lay down in the wagon there'd be less wind. And so she did, and then wanted to be covered with a blanket too.
"I'm happy now, Mom" she said as we pulled her along the beach.
William was the very opposite of his sister and had a blast clambering on the rocks, running and falling on the sand, and chasing Uncle Chris. When I changed his diaper back at the car it was full of sand! 😆
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