Weekly Wednesday Wupdate: Creative Children

Delilah and I did this puzzle together a while ago. Will even had some time to join in with us.
I had been waiting to take a photo of the completed puzzle because we were missing some pieces. Since taking the picture and crumbling up the puzzle, I've found the other pieces. 😝

Delilah wanted a picture taken of her hugging the baby goodnight. 💛

The kids played house together for the majority of Friday. It was so adorable watching and listening to them in their own made up world. While I was busy in the bedroom that morning they set this up and were rather excited to show me. All of the books from their shelf dumped in a corner with a pillow and blanket. I can't remember exactly what it was or the purpose, but it sure provided lots of entertainment! 

Delilah set out pillows for everyone. They even had an imaginary mom, dad, and baby (that's who the other three pillows are for). At one point I was asked to move from the couch and go read somewhere else because their mom had to sit on the couch. 😆

That evening Delilah and I played playdoh together and made a snowman version of our family. 

After a year of putting it on hold, on Saturday Will picked back up our painting project! The kids were all over him, so while they were involved in the taping process, Will waited until William was down for his nap before actually painting the walls. 

Saturday evening Will took Delilah with him to run some errands so I got to spend some time one-on-one with William. It's always so special to get time alone with him as it doesn't happen too often. 

As if the gimpy ladder didn't have me worried enough about Will's safety while painting... I looked up to see him standing on the fridge! 

All three kiddos were playing the piano together on Sunday afternoon and I tried to snap a picture but of course that's when Delilah ran off... 

While I was unpacking groceries Shiloh hopped into this empty bag. Now that I'm thinking back on it, I should have tried to carry her around in the bag! 😆

Delilah drew this picture, which is a snowman version of Dad. She later added a beard too, but sadly I didn't get a picture of that before William 'folded' the paper up into a paper airplane. It resembled something like a torn and crumpled up ball by the time he was done with it.😒

Tuesday:"Mom! I bet you can't find us!"

The kids wanted a PJ day on Tuesday and they also set up a picnic for eating their snacks. 
I love their creativity and imaginations!
