Weekly Wednesday Wupdate: From Two to Three Kids in a Week!

Vacuuming up oats after dumping them all over the floor. 

Delilah wanted a picture taken with this tower she built. 
It starts off as one tower but then splits off into two. A new design for her! 

Delilah was very excited that she got to press the G in the elevator because that letter is for Grandpa and Grandma. She was doing a little happy dance but I was too slow to catch it on video. 

On Thursday evening Will came into the house while the kids and I were playing in the bedroom. He called out, "Hey kids, I've got a surprise for you!" 
"Oh no, not an animal?" I replied. 

Do I know my husband or what? 😝

Two baby mice! 

A fun little learning experience

I was having some pretty solid contractions on Thursday afternoon and evening so I took a photo of the bump in case it was our last day together. My due date was Sunday and I was fully expecting to go a week late, but there was a part of me that was hopeful...

Turned out I had a day and a half left of carrying our third child before we welcomed James to the outside on Saturday morning. 

Delilah and William stayed with my parents until Monday so Sunday was a lazy recovery day (especially for me 😊). 
Will did some housework and I kept commenting how weird it was that all of the house was clean all at the same time and then it stayed clean! I've become so used to only having one thing clean at a time (dishes, the bathroom, vacuuming) and then that thing getting made messy again within minutes. 

1 day old! 

It was so special that Will and I got a day together with just James. 

Getting doted on 

Finally! Jonah's got a nephew younger than he is! 

I love the shape of his little nose

What a grin! 😆

William hasn't been overly interested in his little brother, but still has special moments with him to pop in and say hi.  
Unfortunately (for him) we aren't letting William climb in the bassinet to snuggle James. William figured out that he can lie next to the bassinet and still see James through the mesh sides. Good enough! 

We got this beautiful floral arrangement delivered from Will's work

Looks like there was a miscommunication somewhere along the lines! 😆😆
Made for a good laugh though
