What a cutie!
William was all over helping me sort through things for the Baby that we've pulled out from the storage room.
I made myself a list of things I want to get done before Baby gets here.
Scrubbing the remaining half of the dinning room tile was one of those things and I took pictures this time because I find it so extremely satisfying to clean the grout.
This one is before.
And after!
Little janitor in the making
When we clean the church Nadia comes along to entertain the kiddos.
39 weeks down!
And at the point of reading this = a maximum of two more to go!
Depending on if I'm having a good joint day or a bad joint day, I often require Will's help to roll me over in bed now.
I'm waking to go pee in the middle of the night and rely very heavily on my afternoon naps to get me through the day. Unfortunately William seems to be dropping his nap which is when I would sleep, so I'm learning how to adapt.
My legs intermittently go numb but they typically alternate so I haven't had both out of commission at the same time yet.
These all sound like negative things but I'm only sharing them here to document them for future reference. Not necessarily to complain. I am so thankful that we've made it this far and anxiously looking forward to meeting our little one soon!
We're still slowly working our way through all those games from my aunt. This week their 'new' activity was these magnetic dolls.
On Thursday last week William learned how to jump out of his crib (even though we already had the mattress on the floor! 😶) and so Will converted the crib into William's big boy bed.
Bedtime has been surprisingly easy, but not so much naptime.
"Do you want me to scratch your back?"
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