WWW: Silly Cat, Sleeping Kids, And So Much More

Antigravity cat?
No, just one clawing her way up the weather stripping of our door.😬
(She likes to climb up there and hang on for dear life while she looks out the window. Funnily enough she has TWO beautiful windowsills she's allowed to sit on to admire the outside world from...)

I love how these two play together. 
On this day the laundry basket was a boat, the mat was the ocean, and the Fisher Price animals aboard a bus inside the boat were their children. 

Ah! See!?! 
She does know how to utilize the windowsills! 

We finished watching Despicable Me together on Wednesday evening. It was William's first movie ever watching and it was a bit intense for him. 
I don't remember which scene this photo was taken during, but I thought it was so cute how he clung to Will. 

Some pre-bed snuggles

Outfit planning for James' baby photos. 
The more people we add to our family the trickier it gets! 😅

They're both looking so well at their Auntie Nadia. Just a few inches too high for my camera though 😆

Delilah still loves to take my phone and snap photos. She took this one of William and I thought it was adorable

She also took this photo of Will and I. 
Also adorable, but in a different way. 😂😂

And a photo which Delilah staged all by herself of William and I with James (he's in the bassinet there). 
I especially love how far back she stood to really capture the true essence of our home, as well as her unique choice of including her index finger slightly off center of the image. 

Uncle Ben with his sweet lil nephew


The mountains were so gorgeous on Saturday evening! 
So gorgeous that (without my asking) Will pulled over on our drive home so we could stop to take a picture of them. But of course (sadly) my phone camera fails massively to capture what our eyes were experiencing... 

On Sunday morning I stayed home from church with the boys (ah we have boys, plural, now!) and watched the service online. While I was watching, William toted the bathroom stool to the kitchen and quietly picked apart a floral arrangement I had placed on the stovetop. 
Did you catch that? 
He was quiet! 
I should have clued in that he was up to no good! 
But, I was also trying to pay attention to the church service and must have been so grateful that I had a whole four minutes of uninterrupted listening time. 
You win some, you lose some. 

James was fussing and William brought him his beloved blankie to try and soothe his crying brother. 

We put William to bed at my parents' house on Sunday evening and collected him before we headed home later. Got his shoes and jacket on without him waking up, and then Will lay him on the stair while he got his shoes on. Crazy kid slept through all of it! 

Another photo by Delilah. 

And another sharing-of-the-blankie by William. 

Such a lil bean.

He was so proud of himself for this trick! 
