A Day In My Life - Three Kids, Three and Under

Hello again! 
In an attempt to capture the craziness of having a newborn, a 2 year old and a 3 year old, I have once again prepared a day in my life post. I absolutely love looking back on these, seeing the different stages of life our family has gone through and the things that we filled our time with back in the day. 

On April 19th, 2022 you would have found me at a midwife appointment, getting groceries, taking a nap while havoc reigned, and working a janitorial shift. And nursing. A LOT of nursing. 
I always forget how much time in a day is spent feeding a baby! 
Here I noted seven times I nursed James, but I know there were two more times that didn't get included. 

But welcome, and let's see how the day went...

*This one should say 6:59am. 

And I did get that load in the dryer before falling asleep 😉
