When we dropped Will off at work on Wednesday morning this truck was waiting outside for delivery, and it's one that Will's built!
Feeding the fish at Oma and Opa's house
We played outside in the rain on Thursday morning.
William found this spot directly under a downspout that he was so happy to under.
Lots of slugs were out too
And we even found a small eggshell!
On Friday morning William had a bleeding nose and so I spot cleaned his mattress and set it out on the patio to dry in the sun. Later the kids went outside and got carried away with their chalk and drew on the mattress! This photo is after I've tried to clean it... Thankfully this quilted cover is removable so I was able to stick it in the wash and it came out much better looking.
Delilah really wanted to give James a ride on her shoulders. With Will's help they made it happen!
Crafts that the kids made with Auntie Nadia
Our kids were quite the spectacle leaving Grandma and Grandpa's house on Sunday evening. William was wearing his overalls onto of his pajamas. And Delilah was wearing my jacket since we had left hers in the truck.
When we got home on Sunday after being gone for the whole day we found this bean plant which had sprouted about 3 inches in the day!
Out for a walk with these two while James naps
This little tire is one of their favourite things to play with outside.
Socks on and forks in hand. Can you guess what they were up to?
They were being painters! 😆😆
We had ribs for dinner on Monday and they were so delicious!
James doesn't look to sure about the crazy crew he's joined. 😂
We've been getting such big smiles from James!
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