WWW: A Walk And A Weed


Enjoying the late afternoon outside! 

James' first go in the jolly jumper! 
He wasn't exactly able to figure it out in this session, but he wasn't upset to be in there either. 

While Will and I were upstairs making memories with James, Delilah and William were outside making 'snow' with the neighbour kids from a piece of styrofoam they found... 😆

On Thursday morning the kids and I wrote letters and made envelopes to send off to Ottawa. 
ARPA Canada makes it easy for us to stay informed about things that matter to us in politics and provides ways to take action. Sending handwritten letters in colourful envelopes was a suggestion they made regarding Bill C-11. 

James was having some tummy time on Friday evening while I was reading stories to the big kids and I noticed he was falling asleep! 

Sweet boy couldn't wait just a feeeeewwww more minutes for me to put him into bed. 

I didn't have a chance to put the garbage out on Thursday during daylight hours. 
I like to wear a safety vest and typically a headlamp when going out in the dark, but this time subbed in a glowstick for fun. 

Off for a walk on Friday morning

William was being silly and pulled the cover down over himself when I was trying to take his picture. 

Reading books with Grandma

I thought James would sleep during our walk, but nope. He decided he'd rather spend the time watching the trees go by, so once we got to Grandma's house he was very tired. 

Mailing the letters we made the day before

This is Delilah's snail, Super-Snaily
He came out of his shell and she didn't like that very much. I think she prefers snail shells, not the snails themselves. 😄

These two were having a blast together on Saturday morning

And of course Delilah couldn't miss out on any fun that was being had. 

I put a cute lil bun in Delilah's hair that day as per her request, and then she asked me to take a picture of her. 

We had a birthday picnic to celebrate my great Oma's 90th birthday. 

William really loved these spinny thingies

And despite Peter's efforts Shelby wasn't exactly a fan. 

Uncle Ethan winning Delilah and William's loyalty. 😄

I bought matching pajama's for the kids (which I seem to be the most excited about 😆) but they didn't want me to take a picture so I snapped this one the first night they wore them because I couldn't contain my excitement. 😅

Delilah's precious photography capturing the in-between moments 💛

On Sunday evening Delilah took home with her one of Ben's almost deflated balloons from Oma's birthday party. She called it her dog and walked it around everywhere with her on Monday. She fed him, gave him water, walked him, let him out to pee, gave him a bath. You name it. She was totally enthralled with her little blue dog. Such an imagination! 

Out at the garden (where I was given her dog to put in my coat pocket to keep safe) Delilah picked a weed and then replanted it and staked it in a pile of dirt. 

Affectionately relabeled her garden, here is her first plant. 

Can you hear James' shrieking laugh through the photo? 
